The Norlase team is deeply concerned by the war in Ukraine. Our mission is to help ophthalmologists and their patients, including at Children’s Hospitals in Odessa and Dnipro, where our lasers are used for the treatment of pre-mature infants. To now witness the suffering that the people of Ukraine are going through, is devastating. Here are some of the actions we are taking in support of the Ukrainian people:
Norlase is making a donation to Unia Ophthalmica, a local Ukrainian NGO working to provide urgent ophthalmic and other medical care in Ukraine during this extremely difficult time. We encourage everyone who has the means to do so to donate to organizations helping the Ukrainian people in this crisis.
Together with our landlord and neighbors, we are investing to make our manufacturing independent of Russian energy. This investment includes relying on recently installed solar power, as well as retiring our current natural gas heating system and investing in a new district heating system.
We have also made the difficult decision to put on hold our efforts to enter the Russian market, and to not pursue entry into the Belarussian market at this time. We sympathize with our partners in Russia, who have worked hard to bring a new generation of vision-saving lasers to doctors and patients in Russia. They also suffer because of this crisis, and they are not responsible for the actions of the Russian government. However, doing business in Russia and Belarus at this time, would be incompatible with our unequivocal support for the Ukrainian people.
Pictured below is Dr. Vadym Pecherii, one of the leading Ukrainian retina specialists and the first user of LEAF in Ukraine. Dr. Pecherii remains in the country, where he serves on the Board of Unia Ophthalmica and works to ensure continued access to critical ophthalmic care. He is another example of the bravery of the Ukrainian people, which should inspire us all to do what we can to help.
The Norlase team is deeply concerned by the war in Ukraine. Our mission is to help ophthalmologists and their patients, including at Children’s Hospitals in Odessa and Dnipro, where our lasers are used for the treatment of pre-mature infants. To now witness the suffering that the people of Ukraine are going through, is devastating. Here are some of the actions we are taking in support of the Ukrainian people:
Norlase is making a donation to Unia Ophthalmica, a local Ukrainian NGO working to provide urgent ophthalmic and other medical care in Ukraine during this extremely difficult time. We encourage everyone who has the means to do so to donate to organizations helping the Ukrainian people in this crisis.
Together with our landlord and neighbors, we are investing to make our manufacturing independent of Russian energy. This investment includes relying on recently installed solar power, as well as retiring our current natural gas heating system and investing in a new district heating system.
We have also made the difficult decision to put on hold our efforts to enter the Russian market, and to not pursue entry into the Belarussian market at this time. We sympathize with our partners in Russia, who have worked hard to bring a new generation of vision-saving lasers to doctors and patients in Russia. They also suffer because of this crisis, and they are not responsible for the actions of the Russian government. However, doing business in Russia and Belarus at this time, would be incompatible with our unequivocal support for the Ukrainian people.
Pictured below is Dr. Vadym Pecherii, one of the leading Ukrainian retina specialists and the first user of LEAF in Ukraine. Dr. Pecherii remains in the country, where he serves on the Board of Unia Ophthalmica and works to ensure continued access to critical ophthalmic care. He is another example of the bravery of the Ukrainian people, which should inspire us all to do what we can to help.

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Let us know how we can help!